le syndicat des olympiades

la galerie centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national de noisy-le-sec, france
1.6 - 30.11.2024

Jonathas de Andrade presents at La Galerie, centre d’art contemporain d’intérêt national de Noisy-le-Sec, his new projetc Le Syndicat des Olympiades [The Olympiad Syndicate], an inclusive and participatory project involving organizations from Noisy-le-Sec.

Here, Andrade draws on photography, video and performance art to question the architectural, social and cultural impact of the Olympic Games, while taking into account the myriad and diverse landscapes and people who inhabit and shape this area on a daily basis. During the exhibition, the La Galerie building will become the headquarters for this unusual syndicate by welcoming a collection of works (photographic portraits, a film, an architectural model, some objects...), created for the occasion, which provide visibility for and valorize the inhabitants of this suburb just as they do sports fans of various social classes and ages.

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