
On the occasion of Latitude Art Fair, Galeria Nara Roesler is proud to present a selection of recent works by Fabio Miguez, who has mastered the handling of tempera and waxed oil paintings with an in-depth investigation into abstraction and a systematic attention to the medium’s history.


Few artists have achieved such a subtle articulation of contemporary painting and historical references as Fabio Miguez (1962). A member of the celebrated Casa 7 Group in the early 1980s, Fabio Miguez has purposely drawn from his art history recollections, from Fra Angelico (1385–1455) to Alfredo Volpi (1896–1988), one of the most renowned masters of Brazilian Modernism, known for his small formats. Volpi's legacy is notably present in Miguez’ most recent works. Achieving a mastery comparable to Volpi’s in the handling of tempera and waxed oil painting techniques, Miguez stresses the formal implications of his legacy by fusing signature “Volpian” compositional fragments while expanding them into strikingly large scale works.


Miguez’ interest in Renaissance art, Italian and Russian Modernisms, as well as Brazilian Concrete and Neo-Concrete painting, notably in artists such as Wyllis de Castro and Milton da Costa, offers several layers of complexity to his recent production. The result is a masterful achievement in contemporary painting featuring an unprecedented synthesis of constructive-like compositions and an almost metaphysical color repertoire.