pele, 2009 / 2013
Marcelo Silveira's (b. 1962, Gravatá, Brazil) work questions and challenges long-established categories related to art, such as sculpture, folk art, craftwork and collecting. His works often depart from the idea of materiality and how anything can become a medium, spearheading his use of wood, leather, paper, metal, plastic and glass amongst many other materials. Silveira's investigation also address the idea of the use and purpose of materials or objects, which he suggests can be defined by a common, socially determined repertoire –as is the case for bottles or glasses– and uprooted by recreating familiar shapes using unexpected materials.
Additionally, the concept of collecting is central to the artist's practice, with a constant play between production and appropriation. Silveira addresses the question in numerous ways, whether it be by presenting an accumulation of found artifacts such as postcards, rulers or perfume bottles, by incorporating un-usable domestic utensils, or by showcasing his work as an assemblage, whereby each part is a fragment of a whole. Organization, or arrangement is therefore a fundamental aspect of the artist's work, not only in terms of exhibiting strategically, but also as an instrument for re-defining and reformulating his materials.
Marcelo Silveira lives and works in Recife, Brazil. Recent solo exhibitions include: Hotel Solidão, at Nara Roesler (2022), in New York, Brazil; Compacto com pacto, at Sesc Triunfo (2019), in Triunfo, Brazil; Compacto mundo das coisas, at Galeria Nara Roesler (2019), in São Paulo, Brazil; Com texto, obras por Marcelo Silveira, at Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Sorocaba (MACS) (2018), in Sorocaba, Brazil; Censor, at Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS) (2016), in São Paulo, Brazil; and 1 Dedo de Prosa, at Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães (MAMAM) (2016), in Recife, Brazil. He has also participated in the 5th and 10th Mercosur Biennial, Brazil (2005 and 2015); the 4th Biennial of Valencia, Spain (2007); 35th Panorama da Arte Brasileira, Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP), São Paulo, Brazil (2017); and in the 29th São Paulo Biennial, Brazil (2010). Recent group exhibitions include: Língua solta, no Museu da Língua Portuguesa (2021), em São Paulo, Brasil; Triangular: Arte deste século, at Casa Niemeyer (2019), in Brasília, Brazil; Apropriações, variações e neopalimpsestos, at Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos (FVCB) (2018), in Viamão, Brazil; Contraponto – Coleção Sérgio Carvalho, at Museu Nacional da República (2017), in Brasília, Brazil; Modos de ver o Brasil: Itaú Cultural 30 anos, at Oca (2017), in São Paulo, Brazil. His works are part of important institutional collections such as: Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP), São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães (MAMAM), Recife, Brazil; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
the sea, the river, the stone
marcelo silveira 11.2 - 12.4.2025Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro is pleased to present The Sea, The River, The Stone, the first solo exhibition by Pernambuco-based artist Marcelo Silveira in...Read more -
marcelo silveira: hotel solidão
marcelo silveira 9.3 - 23.4.2022Nara Roesler New York is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Brazilian artist Marcelo Silveira (1962), in the United States. The show is...Read more -
in waiting: works produced in isolation
núcleo curatorial nara roesler 9.12.2020 - 14.2.2021In Waiting: Works Produced in Isolation brings together a selection of works produced during isolation by various artists represented by Nara Roesler—thoughts about seclusion have...Read more -
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more -
compacto mundo das coisas
marcelo silveira 8.6 - 15.8.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo inaugurates a new exhibition by Marcelo Silveira on June 8th . Curated by Daniel Rangel, Compacto mundo das coisas...Read more
roesler hotel #27 | purity is a myth/a pureza é um mito
michael asbury 10.6 - 29.7.2017Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Purity is a Myth: the monochrome...Read more -
cromofilia vs cromofobia: continuação
Abraham Palatnik, Angelo Venosa, Antonio Dias, Artur Lescher, Bruno Dunley, Carlito Carvalhosa, Daniel Buren, Eduardo Coimbra, Hélio Oiticica, José Patrício, Karin Lambrecht, Marcelo Silveira, Marco Maggi, Melanie Smith, Milton Machado, Rodolpho Parigi, Sergio Sister, Tomie Ohtake, Vik Muniz e Virgínia de Medeiros 26.1 - 18.3.2017Continuing her exploration of color and this hypothetical battle between the color chart and the color circle, Galeria Nara Roesler’s artistic director Alexandra Garcia Waldman,...Read more -
chromophilia vs chromophobia: an exploration of color
abraham palatnik, antonio dias, bruno dunley, cao guimarães, carlito carvalhosa, daniel buren, daniel senise, haegue yang, hélio oiticica, julio le parc, lucia koch, marcelo silveira, marco maggi, milton machado, not vital, rodolpho parigi, sérgio sister, tomie ohtake and vik muniz. 19.11.2016 - 21.1.2017Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Chromophilia vs. Chromophobia: an exploration of color. The group exhibition features eighteen pieces by Abraham...Read more -
ponto de convergência
marcelo silveira 14.6 - 20.8.2016Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to announce “Pontos de Convergência” (Points of Convergence), Marcelo Silveira´s sixth exhibition at the gallery consisting of...Read more -
portable practice
group show 18.1 - 18.2.2014Created by the gallery for our artists, the show brings together works that hone in on the poetics of their practice and, in some capacity, synthesize their works.Read more
livros de artista na coleção itaú cultural
brígida baltar, marcelo silveira 25.10.2022On October 25th (Tuesday), at , Itaú Cultural will make available the virtual exhibition Livros de Artista na Coleção Itaú Cultural, which allows...Read more -
marcelo silveira 11.5.2022Marcelo Silveira presents C+asa at V744atelier, in Porto Alegre, a space dedicated to creating and exhibiting visual arts. The project involves an exhibition and an...Read more -
língua solta
paulo bruscky, cao guimarães, marcelo silveira 9.8.2021On August 1st, the Museu da Língua Portuguesa reopened to the public following five years of closure due to a fire in 2015. Amongst various...Read more -
compacto com pacto
marcelo silveira 14.6.2019O artista Marcelo Silveira levará a mostra Compacto com pacto a duas cidades do sertão pernambucano, Triunfo e Floresta. Em ambas, ele vai propor um...Read more -
coleção imaginária
marcelo silveira 9.4.2019The exhibition is part of the project Desdobramentos – Acervo em expansão, which starts from Sesc Santo Amaro's architecture and the relationship of transparency, overflow...Read more
apropriações, variações e neopalimpsestos
león ferrari, marcelo silveira, vik muniz, virginia de medeiros 12.11.2018Apropriações, Variações e Neopalimpsestos brings together works of more than 30 artists using as a starting point the procedure of artistic appropriation and from a...Read more -
berna reale, lucia koch, marcelo silveira 16.11.2017Com curadoria da historiadora Tereza de Arruda, a mostra CONTRAPONTO foi concebida para o Museu Nacional da República, com obras da Coleção Sérgio Carvalho. Este...Read more -
35º panorama da arte brasileira
marcelo silveira 28.9.2017De 27 de setembro a 17 de dezembro, o Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo apresenta o 35º Panorama da Arte Brasileira, sua tradicional...Read more -
marcelo silveira 10.6.2016 more -
1 dedo de prosa
marcelo silveira 7.3.2016 more
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exposição ‘caleidoscópio’ reúne trabalhos de artistas de gerações diferentes, em petrolina
G1 Petrolina, G1 3.8.2017
marcelo silveira | hotel solidão
marcelo silveira 10.3.2022 -
marcelo silveira | compacto mundo das coisas
marcelo silveira 6.6.2019A Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo apresenta nova mostra do artista Marcelo Silveira, com curadoria de Daniel Rangel. Intitulada Compacto Mundo das Coisas ,...Read more -
marcelo silveira | coleção imaginária | sesc santo amaro
marcelo silveira 27.5.2019Com curadoria de Paula Braga, a exposição Coleção Imaginária discute a diferença entre acumular e colecionar. Ao colecionar estabelecemos critérios de seleção e categorização e...Read more -
marcelo silveira 23.3.2012Nara Roesler Gallery presents Marcelo Silveira's show Chronos , which will open on March 22. It is the fifth individual exhibition by this Pernambuco-born artist...Read more