mecarõ. l'amazonie dans la collection petitgas

Montpellier Contemporaine, Hôtel des Collections, Montpellier, France
6.3 - 31.5.2020
Brígida Baltar. Floresta vermelha [Red Forest], 2009. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Nara Roesler.

Works by Alberto Baraya and Brígida Baltar participate in the exhibition MECARÕ. L'Amazonie in the Petitgas collection [MECARÕ. The Amazon in the Petitgas collection], at Montpellier Contemporaine, Montpellier, France. The exhibition, whose title means "the spirit of the forest" in the Krahô language, is a selection of more than 100 works by about 50 artists from countries that are part of the Amazon Basin.

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