forever is now

the great pyramids of giza
26.10 - 18.11.2023

Artur Lescher presents the work Observatory Meta Oiko (2023) as part of the third edition of Forever is Now, the first and only exhibition of contemporary art to take place at the 4500-year-old UNESCO World Heritage site of the Pyramids of Giza and its surrounding plateau.

Curated and organized by CulturVator - Art D’Egypte, the show aims to bring together 14 artists from around the world to reflect on the enduring legacy of one of humanity’s most compelling and mysterious structures, tracing the continuity of themes that stretch from our ancient past to present day whilst paying homage to the ingenuity and reflections of human civilization and arts.

The work Observatory Meta Oiko (2023), was conceived as a participatory piece made as an observation instrument for the visitor. The key idea is to invert the scales to look at the panorama of the pyramids from a different point of view and also to consider the human scale from a new framework, using the interior of the pyramids as a reference. The work is an installation sculpture made of metal that demonstrates the great expertise of the artist.

“Producing this artwork in Egypt today, in the context of the pyramids, is akin to reframing a question that was initially posed when the first stone was laid. It reflects the human scale in a new context, using the inner part of the pyramids as a benchmark.” – Artur Lescher