festival zum 2021

canal no youtube da revista zum
22 - 26.11.2021

The ZUM 2021 Festival brings to the public, between November 22nd and 26th, online conversations and debates around the image in contemporaneity. Organized by Instituto Moreira Salles, which publishes the ZUM photography magazine, the event will be broadcast on ZUM's YouTube and Facebook channels. On Wednesday 24, at 5:30 pm, Isaac Julien will deliver the lecture The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, an African-American abolitionist who fought his entire life for social equity, leaving a legacy of texts and images, since he is the person who was most photographed during the 19th century. In 2019, Julien presented Lessons of the Hour to the world, a video installation on ten screens, which presents, in a poetic narrative, the life and work of Douglas.