
mac usp
7.10.2023 - 10.3.2024

The MAC USP - Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo presents Biógrafo, a solo exhibition by Daniel Senise curated by Helouise Costa and Marta Bogea. The exhibition features 37 works by the artist produced between 1992 and 2022.

Among the artist's vast production, this exhibition brings together works that start from the places he inhabits and that are dear to him: the house, the studio and the museum. The house appears as a place of personal memories, the studio is home to the painstaking work of transferring the collected material to the surface of the canvases, while the museum, situated on the borderline between painting and photography, exercises its power to reframe art and superimpose layers of multiple meanings. Among the museums and spaces associated with art, Untitled, Bienal de São Paulo presents the iconic span of the Bienal building as an architectural fold. Seen through the alignment of circular pillars, the regulated space is transmuted into a mirage.

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