mam 70: mam e mac usp

parque ibirapuera, são paulo, brasil
5.9 - 16.12.2018

The commemorative exhibition is a collaboration between the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo and the Museum of Contemporary Art of USP, highlighting emblematic exhibitions of the first phase of the MAM, in the 1940s and 1950s, before the donation of its collection for the MAC. The exhibition aims to identify the elements in common between the institutions. Important exhibitions will be presented in the narrative of the history of Brazilian art, such as the first São Paulo Biennial held by MAM in 1951 and the Grupo Ruptura exhibition in 1952. In addition to the periodical exhibitions Young Contemporary Art created by MAC in 1967, and the Panorama of Brazilian Art, created by MAM in 1969. These exhibitions, along with the Biennial, played a fundamental role in the Brazilian artistic calendar, consecrating it in the international circuit. Works will be exhibited from the original MAM exhibits and later MAM and MAC exhibits, building a genealogy of exhibits from a common museological root.