seta/rua/rio - composição 2, 2014
Working across various media such as installation, sculpture, photography, video, drawing and performance, Raul Mourão (b. 1967, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is part of a generation that marked Rio’s artistic scene in the 1990s. Commenting on subjects as everyday life, politics or social constructs, frequently permeated by a critical sense of humour, one of the main concerns in Mourão's work is the urban space. His visual vocabulary proposes displacements and redefinitions of familiar symbols and forms in contemporary society as a means of stimulating thought on the matters of place, urbanism and human interactions.
Mourão began his career in the second half of the 1980s. At the end of that decade he started to investigate the visual symbology of architectonic safety devices in the urban landscape of Rio de Janeiro with structures such as window railings and security fences. This process resulted in a series titled Grades, which includes works in photography, video, sculptures, and installations. Since 2010, the artist has expanded his research on security systems while deconstructing visual structures present in these forbidding apparatus, leading him to create his first audience-activated kinetic sculptures. In these large-format pieces, the artist establishes formal strategies that comment on urban violence while also seeking structural balance.
Raul Mourão lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Main recent solo exhibitions and projects include: Empty Head, at Nara Roesler (2021), in New York, USA; Fora/Dentro, at Museu da República (2018), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Você está aqui, at Museu Brasileiro de Ecologia e Escultura (MuBE) (2016), in São Paulo, Brazil; Please Touch, at Bronx Museum (2015), in New York City, USA; Tração animal, at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio) (2012), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Toque devagar, at Praça Tiradentes (2012), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Main recent group exhibitions include: Utopias e distopias, at Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM-BA) (2022), in Salvador, Brazil; Coleções no MuBE: Dulce e João Carlos de Figueiredo Ferraz – Construções e geometrias, at Museu de Ecologia e Escultura (MuBE) (2019), in São Paulo, Brazil; Modos de ver o Brasil: Itaú Cultural 30 anos, at Oca (2017), in São Paulo, Brazil; Mana Seven, at Mana Contemporary (2016), in Miami, USA; Brasil, Beleza?! Contemporary Brazilian Sculpture, at Museum Beelden Aan Zee (2016), in Hague, The Netherlands; Vancouver Biennial 2014-2016, Canadá (2014). His works are in important permanent collections such as: ASU Art Museum, Tempe, USA; Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói (MAC-Niterói), Niterói, Brazil; Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
this always wonderful city
theo monteiro 29.2 - 6.4.2024Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro is pleased to present This always wonderfrul city, a group show curated by Theo Monteiro that seeks to discuss the...Read more -
the fold in the horizon
curadoria marcos chaves 24.6 - 13.8.2022Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present The fold in the horizon , a group exhibition curated by artist Marcos Chaves. The show brings...Read more -
a dobra no horizonte
curadoria de marcos chaves 23.3 - 14.5.2022Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro tem o prazer de apresentar A dobra no horizonte, mostra coletiva com curadoria do artista Marcos Chaves que reúne uma...Read more -
empty head
raul mourão 27.4 - 19.6.2021Nara Roesler is pleased to announce Empty Head, Raul Mourão’s first solo exhibition in its New York gallery, from April 27 until June 19, 2021....Read more -
in waiting: works produced in isolation
núcleo curatorial nara roesler 9.12.2020 - 14.2.2021In Waiting: Works Produced in Isolation brings together a selection of works produced during isolation by various artists represented by Nara Roesler—thoughts about seclusion have...Read more
open air: large scale works at fazenda boa vista
25.7.2020 - 28.2.2021Galeria Nara Roesler is pleased to inaugurate Open Air, a large-scale sculpture exhibition installed in the gardens of the Fazenda Boa Vista. Placed under the...Read more -
inside | online exhibition
11.4 - 30.5.2020Inside is a virtual exhibition composed of dissimilar works, grouped under the common denominator of the inside/interior. The emblematic image of the curatorial selection is...Read more -
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more -
archaeologies of the selfie
luis pérez-oramas 27.2 - 30.5.2020Galeria Nara Roesler | New York is delighted to inaugurate its 2020 exhibitions program with a group show titled Archaeologies of the Selfie, curated by...Read more -
estruturas encontradas
luis pérez-oramas 2.12.2019 - 15.2.2020It is with great pleasure that Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Estruturas Encontradas [Found Structures], a group exhibition bringing together artworks by Brígida...Read more
introdução à teoria dos opostos absolutos
raul mourão 25.5 - 27.7.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Introdução à teoria dos opostos absolutos [Introduction to the theory of absolute opposites], the third solo show by...Read more -
arquiteturas do imaginário
abraham palatnik, alberto baraya, alexandre arrechea, artur lescher, dan graham, daniel senise, eduardo coimbra, fabio miguez, lucia koch, marco maggi, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, philippe decrauzat, raul mourão, rené francisco 14.2 - 30.3.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro presents Arquiteturas do Imaginário [Architectures of the Imaginary], a group show based on works that deal with issues...Read more -
roesler hotel #27 | purity is a myth/a pureza é um mito
michael asbury 10.6 - 29.7.2017Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Purity is a Myth: the monochrome...Read more -
o corpo e a obra de arte
marcos chaves, karin lambrecht, brígida baltar, alice miceli, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, bruno dunley, melanie smith, vik muniz, rodolpho parigi, antonio dias, berna reale, virginia de medeiros, rené francisco, xavier veilhan, carlito carvalhosa 20.2 - 26.3.2016Appropriations and interpretations of human and natural forms provide unifying thread in group show The Body and the Work of Art, set to open on...Read more -
raul mourão 15.2 - 22.3.2014Galeria Nara Roesler will inaugurate MOTO, an exhibition of new works by Raul Mourão, on February 15 (Saturday). The exhibition includes kinetic sculptures, paintings, drawings, photographs, videos and an installation in honor of popular artist Selarón, who died in 2013. Mourão dedicates the exhibition to designer André Stolarksi (1970-2013).Read more
raul mourão 27.2.2024Galeria Hugo França is pleased to present Corta Fogo, a solo exhibition by artist Raul Mourão curated by Evangelina Seiler, featuring 22 works by the...Read more -
volume 3 – lançamento
raul mourão 23.6.2023The launch of @raulmourao's 'VOLUME 3' will take place this saturday (06/24) at Livraria Travessa Rio de Janeiro. Giving sequence to previous editions,...Read more -
cage head
raul mourão 17.3.2023Nara Roesler Gallery is thrilled to announce Raul Mourão’s major public sculpture, CAGE HEAD, commissioned by Americas Society and presented by the Fund for Park...Read more -
lugar geométrico
raul mourão 16.3.2023A exposição LUGAR GEOMÉTRICO , individual do artista carioca Raul Mourão , irá ocupar os espaços expositivos da Casa França - Brasil entre 18...Read more -
arte é bom
artur lescher, brígida baltar, carlito carvalhosa, marcos chave and raul mourão 30.9.2022A curadoria da mostra é de Daniela Thomas e Têra Queiroz , com realização da Dueto Produções . São dezenas de obras e instalações que...Read more
utopias e distopias
berna reale, carlito carvalhosa, jose patricio, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky and raul mourao 13.9.2022Utopias e Distopias opens to the public today, September 7, at MAM Bahia including works by Raul Mourao , Berna Reale , Carlito...Read more -
film screening
cao guimarães, raul mourão and xavier veilhan 2.9.2022Nara Roesler and the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio) will host a screening, premiering Veilhan’s new short film titled, Le...Read more -
raul mourão 9.5.2022Raul Mourão's New Brazilian Flag #1 is participating in Misturas, a group exhibition curated by Jean Carlos Azuos and Clarissa Diniz, in celebration of Galpão...Read more -
a escolha do artista | cristina canale e raul mourão
casa roberto marinho rj 27.7.2021Cristina Canale and Raul Mourão are participating in the exhibition The Artist's Choice, an exhibition on view at the Roberto Marinho House in Rio de...Read more -
viva rebel
raul mourão 20.1.2021O artista plástico Raul Mourão irá expor duas esculturas cinéticas inéditas e uma instalação temporária ao ar livre, na Avenida Delfim Moreira, número 558, na...Read more
14a bienal de curitiba
abraham palatnik, berna reale, cao guimarães, julio le parc, león ferrari, paulo bruscky, raul mourão 7.10.2019Artists Berna Reale, Cao Guimarães, Julio Le Parc, León Ferrari, Paulo Bruscky and Raul Mourão participate in the 14ª Bienal de Curitiba: Fronteiras em Aberto....Read more -
alegria – a natureza-morta nas coleções mam rio
brígida baltar, karin lambrecht 11.4.2019Antonio Dias, Brígida Baltar, Karin Lambrecht, Marcos Chaves e Raul Mourão participam da coletiva Alegria – A Natureza-Morta nas Coleções MAM Rio. Com curadoria de...Read more -
yoyo – tudo que vai, volta
raul mourão 17.12.2018Raul Mourão is part of the exhibition Yoyo: Tudo O Que Vai Volta, aimed at the children's audience that presents interactive works that stimulate the...Read more -
raul mourão 26.9.2018The exhibition gives indications already for the title that is proposed. Not only through the works presented, but also by the visitors' movement to get...Read more -
cá entre nós
brígida baltar, marcos chaves, eduardo coimbra, raul mourão 4.7.2018Com curadoria de Paula Terra-Neale, Cá entre nós apresenta uma seleção de obras históricas e inéditas de nove artistas que emergiram no cenário artístico carioca...Read more
frestas - trienal de artes - entre pós verdades e acontecimentos
daniel senise, raul mourão 19.10.2017A 2ª edição do 'Frestas - Trienal de Artes' , do Sesc Sorocaba conta com curadoria de Daniela Labra e além de apresentar trabalhos comissionados...Read more -
readymade in brasil
antonio dias, cao guimarães, carlito carvalhosa, helio oiticica, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, raul mourão 28.9.2017Entre os anos de 1960, a partir dos (pop)concretos e neoconcretos, o readymade é introduzido no Brasil e, desde então, está presente na produção de...Read more -
mana seven
raul mourão 1.12.2016 more -
a cor do brasil
abraham palatnik, antonio dias, cristina canale, daniel senise, hélio oiticica, raul mourão, tomie ohtake, vik muniz, 11.8.2016 more -
em polvorosa
abraham palatnik, angelo venosa, antonio dias, brígida baltar, carlito carvalhosa, cristina canale, eduardo coimbra, hélio oiticica, karin lambrecht, marcos chaves, milton machado, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, vik muniz 10.8.2016 more
do clube para praça | arte clube jacarandá
angelo venosa, carlito carvalhosa, daniel senise, lucia koch, marcos chaves, raul mourão and vik muniz 21.6.2016 more -
você está aqui
raul mourão 10.6.2016 more -
international series: contemporary artists from brazil
brígida baltar, raul mourão, sérgio sister, vik muniz 19.5.2016 more -
brasil, beleza?!
marcos chaves, lucia koch, eduardo coimbra, raul mourão 5.5.2016 more
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O Pequeno Colecionador lança, pela primeira vez, projeto para espaço urbano
Arte que Acontece -
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objet trouvé: luis pérez-oramas curates a poetic and subtle group exhibition at galeria nara roesler
cynthia garcia, Newcity Brasil 10.12.2019 -
o museu está vivo
paula alzugaray, istoé independente 15.8.2016 -
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abertura | 'fenestra', individual de raul mourão
prêmio pipa 17.4.2015 -
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a renovação pela pintura de raul mourão
nani rubin, o globo 14.4.2015
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um tributo a selarón em sp
luiz felipe reis, o globo 15.2.2014 -
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'moto', individual de raul mourão, reúne obras inéditas
prêmio pipa 14.2.2014 -
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galeria nara roesler inaugura ‘moto’ e ‘roesler hotel #25 — dispositivos para um mundo (im) possível’.
arte hall 1.2.2014 -
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três em um
audrey furlaneto, o globo 17.10.2012 -
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obra em progresso: as esculturas cinéticas de raul mourão
suzana velasco, o globo 19.7.2010
belo passeio pelas artes plásticas de hoje e pela lapa de ontem
wilson coutinho, o globo 7.4.2002 -
a arte como hóspede do submundo da lapa
daniela name, o globo 27.3.2002 -
coisa nova
andrea pena, a gazeta 30.10.2001 -
nova arte, nova casa
gilberto de abreu, jornal do brasil 4.8.2000 -
a arte encontra lugar na lapa
luiz camillo osorio, o globo 13.5.2000
imagens irônicas de uma década
daniela name, o globo 1.12.1999 -
dois projetos formam um circuito alternativo de artes
luiz camillo osorio, o globo 21.10.1999 -
como foi você, geração 90?
cristian klein, jornal do brasil 19.9.1999 -
o papel da arte do papel
marília martins, jornal do brasil 2.2.1993 -
prêmios para uma nova geração
marcia cezimbra, jornal do brasil 21.11.1991
the fold in the horizon | nara roesler new york
marcos chaves 3.7.2022Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present The fold in the horizon , a group exhibition curated by artist Marcos Chaves. The show brings...Read more -
estruturas encontradas
curadoria de luis pérez-oramas 5.12.2019It is with great pleasure that Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Estruturas Encontradas [Found Structures], a group exhibition bringing together artworks by Brígida...Read more -
raul mourão | introdução à teoria dos opostos absolutos
raul mourão 21.5.2019A Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo apresenta Introdução à teoria dos opostos absolutos, terceira individual de Raul Mourão na galeria. Repleta de antagonismos, a...Read more -
cartaz oficial rio open 2019 | raul mourão
raul mourão 15.2.2019Raul Mourão talks about his creative process concerning the poster for tennis tournament Rio Open 2019.Read more -
fora/dentro | raul mourão | museu da república
raul mourão 17.1.2019Raul Mourão talks about the exhibition fora/dentro , that occupied open air sites – in the garden – and internal rooms in Museu da República,...Read more -
mgallery art project | raul mourão
raul mourão 29.5.2018Raul Mourão talks about Rio de Janeiro's neighborhood of Santa Teresa and the series of artistic interventions resulting from the Jacaranda+Hotel Santa Teresa partnership, which...Read more -
tração animal | raul mourão | mam rj
raul mourão 5.1.2018Raul Mourão talks about the main points in the exhibition Tração Animal , at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM RJ), in...Read more -
raul mourão | cuidado quente
raul mourão 3.8.2010In his first solo exhibition at the Galeria Nara Roesler, Raul Mourão presents a series of steel sculptures that mark an entirely new direction in...Read more -
raul mourão | cuidado quente
raul mourão 17.7.2010Activation of the sculptures in the exhibition Cuidado quente , by Raul Mourão. Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo, 2010.Read more -
raul mourão | programa catálogo | canal brasil
raul mourão 13.10.2009Raul Mourão talks about aspects of his work on the TV program Catálogo, produced by TV Imaginária Produções and Canal Brasil.Read more