expedición berlin, 2014
Alberto Baraya (b. 1968, Bogota, Colombia) is best known for his multimedia production, which includes installation, drawing, photography, sculpture and video. He began his career creating ironic self-portraits from appropriated iconic paintings or by forging provocative scenarios . In 2003 he initiated the the on-going series Herbário de plantas artificiales, in which he delved into and critiqued the practices of 17th and 18th-century European travellers.
Baraya undertakes the role of the traveller, replicating the tradition of botanical and anthropological expeditions that were carried out in Europe in the name of science and colonization. Throughout his travels, the artist collected and catalogued artificial plants, putting into question the tradition of scientific categorization, taxonomy and the Western fascination for, or perhaps mystification of its colonies. The artist creates parodies of colonial explorations, using plastic plants or global market ‘residues’ as a means of pointing out their repercussion on today's global affairs.
Alberto Baraya lives and works in Bogota, Colombia. Among his recent solo shows, we can highlight: Expedición siciliana, at Galería Fernando Pradilla (2019), in Madrid, Spain; Alberto Baraya – Estudios comparados de paisaje, at Espacio Odeón (2017), in Bogotá, Colombia; Ornitologia Bolivariana – La fábula de los pájaros, at Museo Quinta de Bolívar (2015), in Bogotá, Colombia; Expedición México, at Galería Proyecto Paralelo (2014), in Mexico City, Mexico. His works featured in recent group shows: Manifesta 12 Palermo – The European Nomadic Biennial: The Planetary Garden. Cultivating Coexistence, Palermo, Italy (2018); Flora, at Stavanger Kunstmuseum (MUST) (2019), in Stavanger, Norway; Modern Nature, at Drawing Room (2019), in London, UK; Le bruit des choses qui tombent, at Frac Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRAC PACA) (2017), in Marselha, France; Botany Under Influence, at apexart (2016), in New York, USA; and Naturaleza nominal, at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M) (2015), at Madrid, Spain. His works are included in important collections, such as: Collection Pierre Huber Video and Films, Geneva, Switzerland; Essex Collection of Art from Latin America (ESCALA), University of Essex, Colchester, UK;Museo de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia;Tamarind Institute, Albuquerque, USA.
this always wonderful city
theo monteiro 29.2 - 6.4.2024Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro is pleased to present This always wonderfrul city, a group show curated by Theo Monteiro that seeks to discuss the...Read more -
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more -
arquiteturas do imaginário
abraham palatnik, alberto baraya, alexandre arrechea, artur lescher, dan graham, daniel senise, eduardo coimbra, fabio miguez, lucia koch, marco maggi, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, philippe decrauzat, raul mourão, rené francisco 14.2 - 30.3.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro presents Arquiteturas do Imaginário [Architectures of the Imaginary], a group show based on works that deal with issues...Read more -
estudios comparados de paisaje
alberto baraya 23.11.2018 - 9.2.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro presents Alberto Baraya: Estudios Comparados de Paisaje. Alberto Baraya, the contemporary traveling artist who has participated in important...Read more -
alberto baraya, alice miceli, cao guimarães, hélio oiticica, isaac julien, lucia koch, marco maggi, marcos chaves, melanie smith, milton machado, paul ramírez jonas, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, vik muniz e virginia de medeiros 4.2 - 9.3.2017Starting its 2017 exhibition calendar, concurrently with a solo show by Cuban artist Alexandre Arrechea, Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Metrópole, a group...Read more
portable practice
group show 18.1 - 18.2.2014Created by the gallery for our artists, the show brings together works that hone in on the poetics of their practice and, in some capacity, synthesize their works.Read more -
expediciones pacíficas
alberto baraya 22.6 - 20.7.2013On June 22, from 11AM to 3PM, Galeria Nara Roesler opens the solo exhibition of Colombian artist Alberto Baraya. With works resulting from his expeditions to New Zealand, China (Shanghai), Colombia (Teyuna), Australia and Peru (Machu Picchu), between 2009 and 2013, the show presents a retrospective outlook on the relationships that the artist-traveler established with different local contexts.Read more
stayin' alive
alberto baraya, marcos chaves 23.11.2020The exhibition Stayin’ Alive works as a political commentary on the environmental crisis that we are facing. The show presents works by various artists from...Read more -
mecarõ. l'amazonie dans la collection petitgas
alberto baraya, brígida baltar 3.3.2020Works by Alberto Baraya and Brígida Baltar participate in the exhibition MECARÕ. L'Amazonie in the Petitgas collection [MECARÕ. The Amazon in the Petitgas collection], at...Read more -
modern nature
alberto baraya 9.4.2019A lberto Baraya integrates the exhibition Modern Nature, at the Drawing Room, in London. The exhibition brings together drawings never before exhibited in the UK...Read more -
la vuelta
alberto baraya 5.12.2018Alberto Baraya participates in the exhibition La vuelta. The show features works by 26 Colombian artists and photographers from different generations. Covering from the traditional...Read more -
manifesta 12 - the planetary garden. cultivating coexistence.
alberto baraya 10.5.2018Curated by Bregtje van der Haak, Andrés Jaque, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, and Mirjam Varadinis Palermo (Italy) Throughout history, the city of Palermo has been a...Read more
amazônia: os novos viajantes
alberto baraya, melanie smith 10.5.2018MuBE - SP inaugura “Amazônia: Os Novos Viajantes”, exposição de arte e ciência, no dia 12 de maio. A exposição coletiva reúne cerca de 30...Read more -
energ(ética): arte y energía sostenible
alberto baraya, eduardo navarro 13.12.2017energ(ética): arte y energía sostenible, [energ(ética): arte e energia sustentável] apresentao trabalhos de 30 artistas nacionais e internacionais que expõem através da arte, da ciência...Read more -
la vuelta – 28 photographies & artistes colombiens
alberto baraya 26.6.2017La Vuelta destaca o trabalho de 28 artistas, abrangendo várias gerações. Dos gêneros tradicionais da fotografia às práticas experimentais baseadas em pesquisa, os projetos selecionados...Read more -
botany under influence
alberto baraya 10.6.2016http://apexart.org/exhibitions/coussonnet.phpRead more
manifesta 12, palermo
Barbara Casavecchia, Art Agenda 20.6.2018 -
natureza fabricada
Paula Alzugaray, seLecT 13.6.2018 -
exposição divulga biodiversidade da amazônia com ciência e arte
Simone de Marco, Diário Oficial 12.6.2018 -
natureza fabricada
Paula Alzugaray, ISTOÉ Independente 8.6.2018 -
que país é esse?
Beta Germano, Casa Vogue 18.3.2018
alberto baraya et son paradis végétal artificiel
Emmanuelle Jardonnet, Le Monde 18.8.2017 -
an exhibition examines how plant taxonomies influenced world history
Monica Uszerowicz, Artsy 31.8.2016 -
botanique sous influence
Clelia Coussonnet, Diptyk 3.2.2016 -
even utopian citizens like to leave the house
Holland Cotter, The New York Times 24.6.2014 -
8th berlin biennale curator on berlin contemporary art and gentrification
Stephen Truax, Hyperallergic 28.5.2014
alberto baraya at the frost art museum, miami
arte al día 5.1.2014 -
falsos testemunhos de lugares reais ou vice-versa
Ana Maria Maia, seLecT 23.7.2013 -
a jornada do artista expedicionário
Flávia Ragazzo, Avianca em Revista 13.7.2013 -
brasil, india y colombia ganan bienal
ElTiempo 11.12.2011 -
o mundo classificado
Paula Alzugaray, ISTOÉ 31.3.2010
alberto baraya | paisagens-partituras | parque lage 2018
alberto baraya 21.12.2018Na ocasição da exposição 'Estudios Comparados de Paisaje', individual de Alberto Baraya na Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro, o artista convida o músico...Read more -
alberto baraya, artista plástico, está en directo cultura | canal trece colombia
alberto baraya 28.5.2017Alberto Baraya talks about one of his projects, Estudios comparados de paisaje , which raises a reflection on the relation of painting and music.Read more -
entrevista, a cuatro manos con alberto baraya | liberatorio arte contemporáneo
alberto baraya 22.5.2017An interview with Alberto Baraya about his project Estudios comparados de paisaje .Read more -
alberto baraya: ornitología bolivariana | revista sono
alberto abraya 5.10.2015The artist Alberto Baraya presents his work Ornitologia Bolivariana .Read more -
alberto baraya: su obra y su experiencia | casa de américa
alberto baraya 3.3.2015Alberto Baraya talks about his work and experience as a contemporary traveling-artist.Read more -
alberto baraya´s “expedition berlin, herbarium of artificial plants” at the 8th berlin biennale | berlin bienbale
alberto baraya 28.5.2014Video produced for the DIALOGUES Workshop, developed by Lidia Rossner for the Master in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. Special thanks...Read more -
¿cómo se mira una obra de arte contemporáneo? | banrepcultural
alberto baraya 10.2.2014A brief reflection of the artist on contemporary art.Read more -
rio: alberto baraya | lugar a dudas
alberto baraya 12.4.2012Register of the work Rio , by Alberto Baraya.Read more -
alberto baraya: nova brasiliensis | galeria nara roesler
alberto baraya 21.3.2010Alberto Baraya presents his new projects for the Herbarium of Artificial Plants at Galeria Nara Roesler, Brazil.Read more
Critical Essays
estudios comparados de paisaje
pedro corrêa do lagoThe series Expedición Rio, part of the project Estudos Comparados de Paisaje (1998–2018) by Alberto Baraya, offers a rare opportunity for observing the direct relationship between the work of the traveling artists who portrayed Rio de Janeiro’s landscape in the 19th century and the recent work of a notable contemporary artist. Even though he is Colombian, Alberto Baraya clearly drank from the well of the great landscape artists active in Brazil, since at times it seems that the background in his paintings are verbatim transpositions of landscapes by the traveling artists, but with the addition of nearly mythical animals, totally unexpected in this context. Actually, despite the obvious kinship with the work of those 19th-century artists, the similarity lies not in the simple repetition, but in the same posture that Baraya assumes while registering Rio de Janeiro’s incomparable landscape, with the aim of incorporating it as a backdrop of his fabulous interventions. Alberto Baraya’s treatment of the landscape arises from the same enraptured contemplation of the landscape that...