sobremesa # 4, 2018
Berna Reale (b. 1965, Belém do Pará, Brazil) is one of Brazil's most important contemporary artists. She is mostly known for her performance based work, which she has been developing since the 2000s. She first received public attention in 2006 at the 25th Art Salon of Pará, following her presentation of Cerne.The work consists of a photographic intervention carried out at the meat market located in Ver-o-Peso, a traditional center for street markets and stands bustling with tourists and local shoppers in Belém, Brazil.
Since then, the artist has been exploring and developing the idea of using her own body as the central aesthetic element of her images and performances, through which she aims to denounce social problems and injustices. Her work critically engages with the theme of violence, exploring its symbolic and physical representations, and the inevitable shadow of censorship, as a means of revealing the importance of image-making when it comes to maintaining freedom of thought. The strength of Berna Reale's imagery lies in eliciting a desire to get closer, countered by a sense of repulsion - an ambivalence reminiscent of the irony in Brazilian society's fascination for and disgust of violence. Importantly, Berna Reale's work has come to heavily depend on photography as a tool for not only registering, but also perpetuating and disseminating her actions once the performance is over.
Berna Reale lives and works in Belém do Pará, Brazil. Recent solo shows include: Agora: Right Now, at Nara Roesler (2022), in New York, USA; Festa, at Viaduto das Artes (2019), in Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Deformation, at Bergkirche (2017), and Berna Reale – Über uns / About Us, at Kunsthaus (2017), both in Wiesbaden, Germany; Berna Reale: Singing in the Rain, at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (UMoCA) (2016), in Salt Lake City, USA; Vazio de nós, at Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) (2013), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Recent group shows include: Brasilidade Pós-Modernismo, at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB-SP) (2022), in São Paulo, Brazil; 3rd Beijing Photo Biennial, China (2018); 56th Venice Biennale, Italy (2015); Brasile. Il coltello nella carne, at Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea Milano (PAC-Milano) (2018), in Milan, Italy; Video Art in Latin America, II Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA (II PST: LA/LA), at LAXART (2017), in Hollywood, USA; Artistas comprometidos? Talvez, at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) (2014), in Lisbon, Portugal. Her works are included in important institutional collections, such as: Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil; Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany; Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP), São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and JW Collection, Atlanta, USA.
meu corpo: território de disputa
galciani neves 9.2 - 16.3.2023Nara Roesler São Paulo tem o prazer de inaugurar seu calendário anual de exposições com mais uma edição do Roesler Curatorial Project. A coletiva Meu...Read more -
berna reale 28.5 - 30.7.2022Nara Roesler São Paulo is pleased to present Agora: Right Now, a solo show by Berna Reale and curated by Claudia Calirman. The show opens...Read more -
luis pérez-oramas 12.1 - 13.2.2021Nara Roesler is pleased to present Cross-cuts, an exhibition curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas unfolding in five different installations to inaugurate the gallery’s new location in...Read more -
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more -
while you laugh/enquanto você ri
berna reale 24.4 - 15.6.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | New York is pleased to present While You Laugh/Enquanto você ri, an exhibition of recent photographs and videos by Berna Reale,...Read more
berna reale 27.8 - 27.10.2018Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present GULA, Berna Reale’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, which deepens the artist’s research into...Read more -
o corpo e a obra de arte
marcos chaves, karin lambrecht, brígida baltar, alice miceli, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, bruno dunley, melanie smith, vik muniz, rodolpho parigi, antonio dias, berna reale, virginia de medeiros, rené francisco, xavier veilhan, carlito carvalhosa 20.2 - 26.3.2016Appropriations and interpretations of human and natural forms provide unifying thread in group show The Body and the Work of Art, set to open on...Read more
coleção instituto pipa: 15 anos…
berna reale e virginia de medeiros 5.8.2024Berna Reale and Virginia de Medeiros are taking part in 'Coleção instituto pipa: 15 anos... ', a group exhibition curated by Luiz Camillo Osorio...Read more -
berna reale 15.4.2024Berna Reale apresenta 'Ruídos ', sua exposição individual com com curadoria de Silas Marti, em exibição até 10 de Junho no Centro Cultural Banco...Read more -
berna reale 16.1.2024Berna Reale presents Ruídos , her solo exhibition curated by Silas Marti, on display until March 10 at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in...Read more -
ah, eu amo as mulheres brasileiras!
berna reale 5.12.2023Após estrear em Nova York e passar por São Paulo, a exposição coletiva Ah, Eu Amo As Mulheres Brasileiras! chega a Niterói para questionar a...Read more -
utopias e distopias
berna reale, carlito carvalhosa, jose patricio, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky and raul mourao 13.9.2022Utopias e Distopias opens to the public today, September 7, at MAM Bahia including works by Raul Mourao , Berna Reale , Carlito...Read more
coleção sartori – a arte contemporânea habita antônio prado
angelo venosa, berna reale, carlito carvalhosa, elian almeida, karin lambrecht, lúcia koch, virginia de medeiros 1.5.2022Angelo Venosa, Berna Reale, Carlito Carvalhosa, Elian Almeida, Karin Lambrecht, Lúcia Koch e Virginia de Medeiros participam da mostra Coleção Sartori - A arte contemporânea...Read more -
brasilidade pós-modernismo
berna reale no ccbb são paulo 18.2.2022Berna Reale is one of 51 artists from different generations participating in the exhibition 'Brasilidade Pós-Modernismo', which is on view at C CBB São Paulo...Read more -
brasilidade pós-modernismo
berna reale 20.9.2021Initiating the celebrations for the centenary of the Week of 22, an emblematic event of Brazilian Modernism, the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB-RJ), in...Read more -
against again: art under attack in brazil
berna reale, virginia de medeiros 10.2.2020Curated by Tatiane Schilaro and Nathalia Lavigne, and organized by AnnexB-NY , the exhibition Against, Again: Art Under Attack in Brazil addresses the present transnational...Read more -
law & (dis)order
berna reale 10.2.2020Berna Reale is part of LAW & (DIS)ORDER, a group show curated by Noor Alé and Claudia Mattos. The exhibition brings together a group of...Read more
14a bienal de curitiba
abraham palatnik, berna reale, cao guimarães, julio le parc, león ferrari, paulo bruscky, raul mourão 7.10.2019Artists Berna Reale, Cao Guimarães, Julio Le Parc, León Ferrari, Paulo Bruscky and Raul Mourão participate in the 14ª Bienal de Curitiba: Fronteiras em Aberto....Read more -
exposição dos finalistas do prêmio PIPA 2019
berna reale 5.8.2019O Prêmio PIPA chega à sua décima edição em 2019 e a exposição dos finalistas acontecerá na Villa Aymoré , na Glória. A mostra, que...Read more -
berna reale 2.8.2019Berna Reale's first show in Belo Horizonte, Festa occupies the city's Viaduto das Artes with an installation that resembles a big nightclub, juxtaposing the sound...Read more -
paisajes en paisajes
berna reale 4.6.2019Berna Reale participa da mostra coletiva Paisajes entre paisajes, parte da Bienal Sur 2019. Clique aqui para saber mais.Read more -
videografias do corpo
berna reale, virginia de medeiros 20.2.2019The audiovisual works A Massa É Bi / La Massa És Bi (2018), by Berna Reale, and Cais do corpo (2015), by Virginia de Medeiros,...Read more
grito mudo
berna reale 5.12.2018Part of the FOTOFESTIVAL SOLAR - Festival Internacional de Fotografia, held in Fortaleza, Grito mudo presents a cutback of Berna Reale's production, highlighting works in...Read more -
3rd beijing photo biennial - confusing public and private
berna reale 4.9.2018As a new form of technology, medium and application, photography has been associated with issues concerning the public vs. the private since the day it...Read more -
I Mostra de Filme de Artista
berna reale, paulo bruscky, virginia de medeiros 8.8.2018Three days of films made by visual artists, with a selection of works by contemporary artists that deal with the urban landscape and the relationship...Read more -
fiz um vídeo pra que você entenda de uma vez por todas
berna reale, brígida baltar, paulo bruscky 13.6.2018Promovida pela Divisão de Artes Plásticas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (DaP/UEL) e com curadoria de Danillo Villa e Elke Coelho, 'Fiz um vídeo pra...Read more -
berna reale, lucia koch, marcelo silveira 16.11.2017Com curadoria da historiadora Tereza de Arruda, a mostra CONTRAPONTO foi concebida para o Museu Nacional da República, com obras da Coleção Sérgio Carvalho. Este...Read more
please come back. the world as prison?
berna reale 7.2.2017 more -
clube de colecionadores de gravura e fotografia do MAM são paulo
berna reale, brigida baltar, paulo bruscky 20.12.2016 -
über uns / deformation
berna reale 15.12.2016 more -
video art in latin america: selections from brazil
berna reale 1.12.2016 more -
singing in the rain
berna reale 18.8.2016 more
lupa: ensaios audiovisuais
antonio dias berna reale, brígida baltar 27.6.2016 more -
video oediV
berna reale 18.12.2015 more -
singularidades/anotações: rumos artes visuais 1998-2013
berna reale 14.10.2015 more
Forensic Artist: The powerful performance art of crime scene investigator Berna Reale
Cynthia Garcia, New City Brazil 25.9.2018 -
Bruno Yutaka Saito, Valor Econômico 11.8.2017 -
berna reale cria feminismo rosa-choque
Silas Martí, Ilustrada 16.7.2017 -
berna reale enxuga gelo em individual no ccbb-sp
Alessandro Giannini, O Globo 15.7.2017 -
agenda: individual de berna reale no CCBB é o destaque da semana em são paulo
Brasileiros 15.7.2017
berna reale, a simbiose entre a arte e a perícia criminal: “não sou de museu, gosto da rua”
Marina Rossi, El País 14.7.2017 -
o som do soco no ar
Ana Abril, Select 12.7.2017 -
Video oediV review - where and what is video art in 2016?
Andrew Frost, The Guardian 29.1.2016 -
berna reale fala do tema da violência em suas obras para o 34 Panorama do MAM
Camila Molina, Estadão 13.10.2015 -
representante do brasil na 56 bienal de veneza, berna reale leva obras para as ruas
Camila Molina, O Estado de S. Paulo 28.4.2015
talk | berna reale + agnaldo farias + silas martí
berna reale 4.7.2022 -
berna reale | AGORA: right now
berna reale 28.6.2022 -
cross-cuts lives, chapter 2
berna reale, paul ramirez jonas 21.1.2021On chapter II of the Cross-cuts exhibition Luis Pérez-Oramas presents artists Berna Reale and Paul Ramirez Jonas, who also joins the conversation from New York.Read more -
berna reale | globo notícia américas | globo internacional
berna reale 30.4.2019Berna Reale é uma das artistas plásticas mais consagradas do Brasil e acaba de abrir uma exposição individual em Nova York. Em uma conversa com...Read more -
berna reale - mostra CCBB música e performance
berna reale 2.8.2017The Amarello magazine talks to Berna Reale in her new show at the CCBB in São Paulo. Berna tells about her production, difficulties in the...Read more -
trip transformadores | 2016 - berna reale
berna reale 6.12.2016The brazlian artist Bernal Reale tells that her older friend likes to say that the moment she was spanked by the doctor as soon as...Read more -
circuito - entreview | berna reale
berna reale 9.11.2016Berna Reale, brazilian visual artist, talks about her projects and the existing themes (such as violence) and how her creative process works, whether in performances...Read more -
berna reale: the art as a reflection of social conflicts [Trip Transformadores 2016]
berna reale 20.10.2016The Trip Transformers Awards comes to its tenth edition this year. In this video, honored Berna Reale, one of the most important names in contemporary...Read more -
5º Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça - Berna Reale (PA)
berna reale 11.1.2016Berna Reale is a visual artist from Belém (PA) and is among the five winners of the 5th CNI SESI SENAI Marcantonio Vilaça Awards. The...Read more -
berna reale - artist
berna reale 5.1.2016Brazilian visual artist Berna Reale talks about her project named ECCOC I! which was part of the Venice Biennale in 2016 and about the aspects...Read more -
making of berna reale: vazio de nós
berna reale 3.9.2013The artist Berna Reale and the curator Daniela Labra talk about the exhibition 'Vazio de Nós ', on display at the Museum of Art of...Read more
Critical Essays
berna reale: gula
agnaldo fariasPublished in 1945, the poem “O Medo” [Fear] by Drummond, bears as an epigraph a phrase by Antonio Cândido – “Porque há para todos nós um problema sério (...). Este problema é o do medo” [Because there is a serious problem for all of us (…). This problem is that of fear” – an excerpt from a statement by the great intellectual made about the impact of World War II, about Nazi-fascism, and the repression of the Estado Novo. And since then the situation has become much worse. We live in a climate of civil war, as evidenced by the operation of the Armed Forces in Rio de Janeiro, our former post-card city, today a landscape of apprehension and sadness. Berna Reale is deepening her investigation into violence, aware that it, among all the mothers of fear, is the greatest and most direct. Her performances, videos, photographs and installations have garnered her national and international recognition. All of this has taken place within the last decade, when the...