eu só vendo a vista, 2017
Marcos Chaves’ (b. 1961, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) has deserted from a generation of Brazilian artists that were looking into painting during the 1980s, with a production characterized by the use of diverse mediums including photography, installation, video, texts and sound. His use of various media does not obstruct the coherence of his production, and dialogues with his profoundly critical work, allowing for open-ended interpretations all while maintaining an underlying tone of humour and irony.
Chaves often appropriates unexceptional elements of everyday life, puts them in the limelight and highlights the extraordinary that may inhabit the commonplace. His production engages with a longstanding tradition of artists who have studied the relationships between image and written language, notably by titling his works ambiguously or funnily, using twofold meanings between objects and their names, finally instigating further reflection from the viewer. His works channel insightful and witty observations from everyday life, capturing the irony, eccentricity and absurdity that often lies in details we might be missing.
Marcos Chaves lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Selected solo exhibitions: Marcos Chaves: as imagens que nos contam, no Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio) (2021), no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Marcos Chaves no MAR, at Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) (2019), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Eu só vendo a vista, at Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói (MAC-Niterói) (2017), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Marcos Chaves, at Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa (2016), in Lisbon, Portugal; and Marcos Chaves – ARBOLABOR, at Centro de Arte de Caja de Burgos (CAB) (2015), in Burgos, Spain; are some of his recent solo exhibitions. Recent group shows include: 17th Bienal de Cerveira, Portugal (2013), 54th Venice Biennale, Italy (2011); Manifesta 7, Italy (2008); and Utopias e distopias, at Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAM-BA) (2022), in Salvador, Brazil; Alegria – A natureza-morta nas coleções MAM Rio, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio) (2019), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Inside the Collection – Approaching Thirty Years of the Centro Pecci (1988-2018), Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci (2018), Prato, Italy; Troposphere – Chinese and Brazilian Contemporary Art, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum (2017), Beijing, China; Brasil, Beleza?! Contemporary Brazilian Sculpture, Museum Beelden aan Zee (2016), Hague, The Netherlands. His works are included in major public collections such as those of: Centro de Arte de Caja de Burgos (CAB), Burgos, Spain; Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; The Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, Miami, USA.
affective spins
nara roesler curatorial project 31.10.2024 - 18.1.2025Nara Roesler São Paulo is pleased to present Affective Spins, curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas. The exhibition features works by 20 artists from this period: Amelia...Read more -
this always wonderful city
theo monteiro 29.2 - 6.4.2024Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro is pleased to present This always wonderfrul city, a group show curated by Theo Monteiro that seeks to discuss the...Read more -
the fold in the horizon
curadoria marcos chaves 24.6 - 13.8.2022Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present The fold in the horizon , a group exhibition curated by artist Marcos Chaves. The show brings...Read more -
a dobra no horizonte
curadoria de marcos chaves 23.3 - 14.5.2022Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro tem o prazer de apresentar A dobra no horizonte, mostra coletiva com curadoria do artista Marcos Chaves que reúne uma...Read more -
in waiting: works produced in isolation
núcleo curatorial nara roesler 9.12.2020 - 14.2.2021In Waiting: Works Produced in Isolation brings together a selection of works produced during isolation by various artists represented by Nara Roesler—thoughts about seclusion have...Read more
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more -
arquiteturas do imaginário
abraham palatnik, alberto baraya, alexandre arrechea, artur lescher, dan graham, daniel senise, eduardo coimbra, fabio miguez, lucia koch, marco maggi, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, philippe decrauzat, raul mourão, rené francisco 14.2 - 30.3.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro presents Arquiteturas do Imaginário [Architectures of the Imaginary], a group show based on works that deal with issues...Read more -
sendo dado
marcos chaves 21.6 - 12.9.2018A Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro presents Sendo dado, solo show by Marcos Chaves. The artist photographically appropriates his large installation from MAC-Niterói...Read more -
roesler hotel #27 | purity is a myth/a pureza é um mito
michael asbury 10.6 - 29.7.2017Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Purity is a Myth: the monochrome...Read more -
marcos chaves
28.2 - 8.4.2017Opening its new venue in New York, Galeria Nara Roesler presents Marcos Chaves, a selection of 30 pieces including photographs, installations, and videos, spanning 25...Read more
alberto baraya, alice miceli, cao guimarães, hélio oiticica, isaac julien, lucia koch, marco maggi, marcos chaves, melanie smith, milton machado, paul ramírez jonas, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, vik muniz e virginia de medeiros 4.2 - 9.3.2017Starting its 2017 exhibition calendar, concurrently with a solo show by Cuban artist Alexandre Arrechea, Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Metrópole, a group...Read more -
marcos chaves
marcos chaves 19.11.2016 - 21.1.2017Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Perambulante, Marcos Chaves’ fourth solo show in the São Paulo venue, curated by Luisa Duarte....Read more -
a geometria dos afetos
daniel steegmann mangrané, dominique gonzalez-foerster, ernesto neto, falke pisano, jarbas lopes, laura lima, leonor antunes, marcos chaves 19 - 30.11.2016Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to announce 'A Geometria dos Afetos', an exhibition for the benefit of CAPACETE. Presenting works by Daniel...Read more -
o corpo e a obra de arte
marcos chaves, karin lambrecht, brígida baltar, alice miceli, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, bruno dunley, melanie smith, vik muniz, rodolpho parigi, antonio dias, berna reale, virginia de medeiros, rené francisco, xavier veilhan, carlito carvalhosa 20.2 - 26.3.2016Appropriations and interpretations of human and natural forms provide unifying thread in group show The Body and the Work of Art, set to open on...Read more -
marcos chaves 7.8 - 7.9.2014To mark the opening of the new Galeria Nara Roesler's venue in Rio, the local Marcos Chaves has designed two installations that pay tribute to his hometown. Entitled Academia, the exhibition features a namesake installation and an unpublished series of photographs named Sugar Loafer.Read more
histórias lgbtqia+
rodolpho parigi, jonathas de andrade and marcos chaves 6.1.2025Rodolpho Parigi , Jonathas de Andrade , and Marcos Chaves are part of the group exhibition that concludes the year dedicated to LGBTQIA+ Diversity Histories...Read more -
it looked, and i looked back
marcos chaves 12.7.2024Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present the launch event for the book It Looked, and i Looked Back , a new publication by...Read more -
lançamento: bem-vindo (ao rio) / welcome (to nyc)
marcos chaves 9.1.2023Na próxima quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro, acontece na sede carioca da galeria o lançamento de Bem-vindo (ao Rio) / Welcome (to NYC), de Marcos Chaves....Read more -
arte é bom
artur lescher, brígida baltar, carlito carvalhosa, marcos chave and raul mourão 30.9.2022A curadoria da mostra é de Daniela Thomas e Têra Queiroz , com realização da Dueto Produções . São dezenas de obras e instalações que...Read more -
utopias e distopias
berna reale, carlito carvalhosa, jose patricio, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky and raul mourao 13.9.2022Utopias e Distopias opens to the public today, September 7, at MAM Bahia including works by Raul Mourao , Berna Reale , Carlito...Read more
video window
marcos chaves 13.7.2022The Swiss nomadic video art platform Video Window will visit the Museum of Modern Art Cinematheque in Rio de Janeiro in July 2022, to present...Read more -
the art of the fake news
marcos chaves 27.5.2022The Art of Fake News is an event including visual art, talks, films, performances and music presented by a group of Latin American, British and...Read more -
make yourself at home: displaced ideas on migration and hos(ti)pitality
marcos chaves 31.3.2022Marcos Chaves is part of the group exhibition ‘Make Yourself at Home: Displaced ideas on migration and hos(ti)pitality’ , the result of a South-South multicultural...Read more -
marcos chaves: as imagens que nos contam
marcos chaves 20.3.2021The exhibition "Marcos Chaves: the images that tell us", on view at Museu de Arte Moderna of Rio de Janeiro – MAM-Rio, brings together works by the artist from the last four decades. Occupying a large part of the galleries in the Exhibition Block of the museum, the exhibition offers a panorama of Chaves' work, including installations, sculptures, objects, photographs, and videos. Marcos Chaves is represented by Nara Roesler.Read more -
stayin' alive
alberto baraya, marcos chaves 23.11.2020The exhibition Stayin’ Alive works as a political commentary on the environmental crisis that we are facing. The show presents works by various artists from...Read more
samba in the dark
cao guimarães, lucia koch, marcos chaves, sérgio sister 22.1.2020Cao Guimarães, Lucia Koch, Marcos Chaves and Sérgio Sister are part of the exhibition 'Samba In The Dark', at A nton Kern Gallery, in New...Read more -
sprung spring
marcos chaves 29.8.2019Marcos Chaves integrates the show 'Sprung Spring' with the work Holes, 2005 (image). SPRUNG SPRING embraces the processes of failure, exposure, and humour, embracing the...Read more -
alegria – a natureza-morta nas coleções mam rio
brígida baltar, karin lambrecht 11.4.2019Antonio Dias, Brígida Baltar, Karin Lambrecht, Marcos Chaves e Raul Mourão participam da coletiva Alegria – A Natureza-Morta nas Coleções MAM Rio. Com curadoria de...Read more -
ateliê de gravura: da tradição à experimentação
angelo venosa, antonio dias, carlito carvalhosa, cristina canale, daniel senise, fábio miguez, josé patrício, karin lambrecht, león ferrari, lucia koch, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, tomie ohtake 24.1.2019Thirteen artists represented by Galeria Nara Roesler take part in the collective exhibition Ateliê de Gravura: da tradição à experimentação, curated by Eduardo Haesbaert at...Read more -
festival images vevey visual arts biennial
marcos chaves 12.9.2018Most important visual art biennale in Switzerland, the Festival Images proposes every two year an exclusive photography exhibition concept on façades, in parks, indoor exhibitions...Read more
cá entre nós
brígida baltar, marcos chaves, eduardo coimbra, raul mourão 4.7.2018Com curadoria de Paula Terra-Neale, Cá entre nós apresenta uma seleção de obras históricas e inéditas de nove artistas que emergiram no cenário artístico carioca...Read more -
queer museu
marcos chaves 26.6.2018Queermuseu: cartografias da diferença na arte brasileira explora a expressão e identidade de gênero, a diversidade e a diferença na arte brasileira por meio de...Read more -
eu só vendo a vista
marcos chaves 11.6.2018A varanda do Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói recebe, de 24 de junho a 01 de outubro de 2017, a exposição Eu só vendo...Read more -
marcos chaves 26.4.2018Até dia 27 de maio, Academia, de Marcos Chaves e curadoria de Ulisses Carrilho estará em exibição na Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage,...Read more -
alucinações à beira mar
marcos chaves, abraham palatnik, cristina canale, daniel senise, hélio oiticica e marcos chaves 1.2.2018A exposição apresenta ao público um panorama da produção artística das últimas décadas a partir de uma seleção de obras das três coleções do MAM...Read more
readymade in brasil
antonio dias, cao guimarães, carlito carvalhosa, helio oiticica, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, raul mourão 28.9.2017Entre os anos de 1960, a partir dos (pop)concretos e neoconcretos, o readymade é introduzido no Brasil e, desde então, está presente na produção de...Read more -
queer museu
rodolpho parigi, marcos chaves 23.8.2017O Santander Cultural apresenta a mostra Queermuseu – Cartografias da Diferença na Arte Brasileira com mais de 270 obras – oriundas de coleções públicas e...Read more -
marcos chaves, paulo bruscky 22.8.2017Com curadoria de Adolfo Montejo Navas, a exposição abriga uma coleção de obras-signos que examinam e interrogam o território de fronteira onde também se cruzam...Read more -
depois do fim
rodolpho parigi, marcos chaves 8.6.2017Depois do Fim tem como premissa a ideia de fim do mundo para refletir sobre a produção simbólica e material constituída pela humanidade ao longo...Read more -
arte contemporânea como pensamento sobre a dimensão urbana
marcos chaves in conversation with michel masson 12.4.2017
aquilo que nos une
marcos chaves 6.3.2017 -
rotative repository of latin american video art: mono canal
marcos chaves 22.2.2017 more -
conversa "em torno da instalação"
marcos chaves 21.11.2016 more -
repository rotativo of collective identity: video art selection
marcos chaves 31.10.2016 more -
os muitos e o um: arte contemporânea brasileira
antonio dias, bruno dunley, cao guimarães, daniel senise, hélio oiticica, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky e vik muniz 26.8.2016 more
em polvorosa
abraham palatnik, angelo venosa, antonio dias, brígida baltar, carlito carvalhosa, cristina canale, eduardo coimbra, hélio oiticica, karin lambrecht, marcos chaves, milton machado, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, vik muniz 10.8.2016 more -
cidades invisíveis
marcos chaves 3.8.2016 more -
do clube para praça | arte clube jacarandá
angelo venosa, carlito carvalhosa, daniel senise, lucia koch, marcos chaves, raul mourão and vik muniz 21.6.2016 more -
everything you are i am not: latin american contemporary art from the tiroche deleon collection
artur lescher, carlito carvalhosa, marcos chaves 10.6.2016 more -
amigos da gravura 2016
marcos chaves 19.5.2016 more
soft power: arte brasil
athos bulcão, virginia medeiros, marcos chaves 5.5.2016 more -
brasil, beleza?!
marcos chaves, lucia koch, eduardo coimbra, raul mourão 5.5.2016 more -
aquilo que nos une
marcos chaves 14.4.2016 more
Alain Berset suscite un espoir
Stéphanie Arboit, 24 heures 24.9.2018 -
vevey/Festival de photos, "Images" tient un peu du gadget familial géant
Etienne Dumont, Bilan 17.9.2018 -
le festival de vevey met l'effet au lac
Clémentine Mercier Envoyée, Liberátion 14.9.2018 -
fronteiras ampliadas
select brasil 14.9.2014 -
bordallianos do brasil
helena viegas, life portugal 8.8.2014
the fold in the horizon | nara roesler new york
marcos chaves 3.7.2022Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present The fold in the horizon , a group exhibition curated by artist Marcos Chaves. The show brings...Read more -
entrevista queermuseu: marcos chaves | eav parque laje
marcos chaves 30.10.2018EAV Parque Laje interviews Marcos Chaves about the controversial exhibition Queermuseu: cartographies of the difference in Brazilian art that explored the expression and identity of...Read more -
roesler hotel #24 -- cães sem plumas (prólogo)
9.11.2013Talk with Moacir dos Anjos, curator of the exhibition, with literary critic Márcio Seligmann and artists Claudia Andujar, Regina Parra, Paula Trope, João Castilho, Virginia...Read more -
roesler hotel #23 -- dark paradise
14.8.2013Curator Tim Goossens is invited for the twenty-third edition of Roesler Hotel, Galeria Nara Roesler's ongoing program of partnerships with national and international curators. A...Read more