Afrodite , 2019
Cristina Canale (b. 1961, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) rose to prominence following her participation in the iconic group exhibition Como vai você, Geração 80?, at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV Parque Lage) in Rio de Janeiro in 1984. Like many of her colleagues from the so-called "Generation 80", her early works reveal the influence of the international context as painting resurfaced, especially with that of German Neo-expressionism. Loaded with visual elements and thick paint, her early paintings have a material or textural characteristic that is reinforced by her use of contrasting and vivid colors. In the early 1990s, Canale moved to Germany to study in Düsseldorf under the guidance of the Dutch conceptual artist Jan Dibbets. Her compositions soon acquired a sense of spatiality, as she began to incorporate the use of planes and depth, while also adding greater fluidity to her use of colors.
Cristina Canale’s work is often based off prosaic everyday scenes, which she extracts from advertising photography. Her paintings result in elaborate compositions that intertwine the figurative and the abstract, often blurring one with the other. According to the curator Tiago Mesquita, Canale’s production opposes the quest for constituing structures of the image, which artists such as Gerhard Richter and Robert Ryman engage with, tackling instead “the image and established genres of painting in a subjective manner following the belief in a singular experience.”
Cristina Canale lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Her recent solo exhibitions include: The Encounter, at Nara Roesler (2021), in New York, United States; Cabeças/Falantes, at Galeria Nara Roesler (2018), in São Paulo, Brazil ; Cristina Canale: Zwischen den Welten, at Kunstforum Markert Gruppe (2015), in Hamburg, Germany; Entremundos, at Paço Imperial (2014l, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Espelho e Memória – Spiegel und Erinnerung, at Galerie Atelier III (2014), in Barmstedt, Germany; Protagonista e Domingo, at Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz (IFF) (2013), in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. She participated in the 6th Bienal de Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil (2011), and in the 21st Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (1991), for which she was awarded with the Prêmio Governador do Estado [Governor State Prize]. Recent group exhibitions include: Ateliê de gravura: da tradição à experimentação, at Fundação Iberê Camargo (FIC) (2019), in Porto Alegre, Brazil; Mulheres na Coleção MAR, at Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) (2018), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Modos de ver o Brasil: Itaú Cultural 30 anos, at Oca (2017), in São Paulo, Brazil; O espírito de cada época, at Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz (IFF) (2015), in São Paulo, Brazil; Figura humana, at Caixa Cultural (2014), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Her works are included in important institutional collections, such as: Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP), São Paulo, Brazil; Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói (MAC-Niterói), Niterói, Brazil; Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
affective spins
nara roesler curatorial project 31.10.2024 - 18.1.2025Nara Roesler São Paulo is pleased to present Affective Spins, curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas. The exhibition features works by 20 artists from this period: Amelia...Read more -
co(r)respondences: constructive affinities/painting as surface
luis pérez-oramas 13.6 - 16.8.2024Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present Co(r)respondences: Constructive Affinities/Painting as Surface, the second edition of the Co(r)respondences project . Curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas,...Read more -
memento vivere
cristina canale 19.8 - 21.10.2023Nara Roesler São Paulo presents “Memento Vivere”, Cristina Canale 's sixth solo exhibition at the gallery's São Paulo location. The showcase brings together a selection...Read more -
co/respondences: brazil and abroad
luis pérez-oramas 22.6 - 25.8.2023Galeria Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present Co/respondences: Brazil and Abroad , a group show curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas where works by major...Read more -
the encounter
cristina canale, curated by luis pérez-oramas 9.9 - 23.10.2021Nara Roesler New York is proud to announce a solo exhibition by Brazilian artist Cristina Canale (b. 1961, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), curated by...Read more
luis pérez-oramas 12.1 - 13.2.2021Nara Roesler is pleased to present Cross-cuts, an exhibition curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas unfolding in five different installations to inaugurate the gallery’s new location in...Read more -
inside | online exhibition
11.4 - 30.5.2020Inside is a virtual exhibition composed of dissimilar works, grouped under the common denominator of the inside/interior. The emblematic image of the curatorial selection is...Read more -
the woman who walks with me
brígida baltar, cristina canale e karin lambrecht 25.6 - 16.8.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | New York is pleased to present The Woman Who Walks With Me, a group exhibition featuring work by Brígida Baltar, Cristina...Read more -
cristina canale 10.11.2018 - 19.1.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents Cabeças/Falantes [Heads/Tellers], solo exhibition by Cristina Canale, structured around an axis constituted by a series of paintings of...Read more -
GNR presents:
7.7 - 7.9.2017Galeria Nara Roesler | New York is delighted to announce GNR Presents:, a multimedia collective show that brings together a wide range of works representing...Read more
roesler hotel #27 | purity is a myth/a pureza é um mito
michael asbury 10.6 - 29.7.2017Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Purity is a Myth: the monochrome...Read more -
things and beings
cristina canale 19.1 - 18.2.2017Galeria Nara Roesler is pleased to present the premier exhibition of Cristina Canale in our New York venue, an artist who’s been part of our...Read more -
entre o ser e as coisas
cristina canale 26.7 - 23.8.2014The formal richness of the work of Cristina Canale, one of the foremost Brazilian painters in activity, can be seen up close in her new solo show at Galeria Nara Roesler. The exhibit opens on July 26, featuring approximately 12 pieces created in 2013 and 2014, and further highlighting the connections between figuration and abstraction that have driven the artist’s ceaseless research since 1993.Read more -
portable practice
group show 18.1 - 18.2.2014Created by the gallery for our artists, the show brings together works that hone in on the poetics of their practice and, in some capacity, synthesize their works.Read more -
sem palavras
cristina canale 14.6 - 13.8.2011After exhibiting, in 2008, a series by Cristina Canale (Rio de Janeiro, 1961) whose theme revolved around animals, Nara Roesler Galery now presents five paintings...Read more
mondo cane
cristina canale 22.7 - 16.8.2008The 15 images on canvas and on paper that make up this exhibition of Cristina Canale (Rio de Janeiro, 1961), revolve around scenes in which...Read more -
cristina canale
cristina canale 24.2 - 26.3.2005Cristina Canale (1961, Rio de Janeiro) brings to Galeria Nara Roesler her recent works, most of which were realized in 2004. There are 14 works...Read more
dar forma ao mundo
cristina canale 4.11.2024Cristina Canale : Giving form to the world , a solo exhibition by Cristina Canale , curated by Pollyana Quintella, is now on view at...Read more -
fullgás – artes visuais e anos 1980 no brasil
15.10.2024Currently on view at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro, the exhibition Fullgás – artes visuais e anos 1980 no Brasil...Read more -
arte para o bem
nara roesler + le lis + protea 5.9.2024Le Lis, a brand of Veste S.A. Estilo, has teamed up with Nara Roesler to present the Arte Para o Bem project by Instituto Protea,...Read more -
'faces' book launch
cristina canale 4.3.2024On March 9 at Nara Roesler São Paulo and March 14 at Nara Roesler Rio de Janeiro, Cristina Canale will be launching the book Faces...Read more -
a casa e o sopro
cristina canale 27.2.2024The Ling Institute is presenting A casa e o sopro , a solo exhibition by Cristina Canale . Curated by Daniela Labra, the show...Read more
arte circuito jardim europa
cristina canale, sérgio sister 9.8.2023As aberturas de Memento Vivere e Pintura entre frestas e cavidades , de Cristina Canale e Sérgio Sister , fazem parte da programação do...Read more -
crônicas cariocas
brígida baltar, cristina canale, elian almeida 19.10.2021Crônicas Cariocas, Museu de Arte do Rio's main exhibition on its annual calendar, opens its doors with more than 600 works by more than a...Read more -
mendes wood dm | villa era
cristina canale 27.7.2021In September 2020, Mendes Wood Gallery opened an exhibition that brought together works by three artists - Cristina Canale, Vojtěch Kovařík, Brice Guilbert, and Paulo...Read more -
a escolha do artista | cristina canale e raul mourão
casa roberto marinho rj 27.7.2021Cristina Canale and Raul Mourão are participating in the exhibition The Artist's Choice, an exhibition on view at the Roberto Marinho House in Rio de...Read more -
xenia: crossroads in portrait painting
cristina canale 22.1.2020Cristina Canale is one of the seventeen artists featured in 'Xenia: Crossroads in Portrait Painting', at Marianne Boesky Gallery, in New York. The exhibition explores...Read more
ateliê de gravura: da tradição à experimentação
angelo venosa, antonio dias, carlito carvalhosa, cristina canale, daniel senise, fábio miguez, josé patrício, karin lambrecht, león ferrari, lucia koch, marcos chaves, paulo bruscky, tomie ohtake 24.1.2019Thirteen artists represented by Galeria Nara Roesler take part in the collective exhibition Ateliê de Gravura: da tradição à experimentação, curated by Eduardo Haesbaert at...Read more -
alucinações à beira mar
marcos chaves, abraham palatnik, cristina canale, daniel senise, hélio oiticica e marcos chaves 1.2.2018A exposição apresenta ao público um panorama da produção artística das últimas décadas a partir de uma seleção de obras das três coleções do MAM...Read more -
MACS fora de casa: poéticas do feminino
cristina canale, tomie ohtake 9.1.2018Com curadoria de Fábio Magalhães, 'MACS Fora de Casa: Poéticas do Feminino', reúne obras pertencentes ao acervo do Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Sorocaba -...Read more -
a cor do brasil
abraham palatnik, antonio dias, cristina canale, daniel senise, hélio oiticica, raul mourão, tomie ohtake, vik muniz, 11.8.2016 more -
em polvorosa
abraham palatnik, angelo venosa, antonio dias, brígida baltar, carlito carvalhosa, cristina canale, eduardo coimbra, hélio oiticica, karin lambrecht, marcos chaves, milton machado, paulo bruscky, raul mourão, vik muniz 10.8.2016 more
brazil in berlin - a kreuzberger from rio
Francesca Elsey, Exberliner 23.3.2018 -
the cosmos of cristina canale
Esther Harrison, ArtBerlin 17.7.2017 -
artes plásticas | cristina canale
Joana Dale, Revista O Globo 2.10.2016 -
galeria nara roesler expõe relações entre figuração e abstração na obra de cristina canale
Cirley Ribeiro, Cultura FM 25.7.2014 -
livro revê 30 anos da delicada arte da pintora critsina canale
Audrey Furlaneto, O Globo 15.4.2012
mistérios de cristina
Maria Hirszman, O Estado de São Paulo 15.7.2011 -
um território mais intimista nas pinturas pinturas de critsina canale
Camila Molina, O Estado de São Paulo 23.7.2008 -
fragmentos narrativos
Revista Fundação Iberê Camargo 12.9.2007 -
em busca da nova paisagem
Antonio Gonçalves Filho, O Estado de S. Paulo 24.2.2005
cristina canale | memento vivere
8.10.2023Nara Roesler São Paulo apresenta Memento Vivere , sexta individual de Cristina Canale na sede paulista da galeria, que reúne uma seleção de suas obras...Read more -
co/respondences: brazil and abroad | nara roesler new york
19.7.2023Nara Roesler New York is pleased to present Co/respondences: Brazil and Abroad , a group show curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas where works by major Brazilian...Read more -
cristina canale | the encounter
curated by luis pérez-oramas 8.9.2021 -
cristina canale: caleidoscópio | canal-arte
cristina canale 24.10.2018Cristina Canale proposes a world view geometrizada in this show presenting daily scenes seen through a Kaleidoscope, toy that gives name to the exhibition. The...Read more -
cristina canale: protagonista e domingo | instituto FF
cristina canale 9.5.2016Depoimento da artista plástica Cristina Canale sobre sua exposição Protagonista e Domingo , realizada no IFF durante o período de 01 de agosto a 14...Read more -
entrevista com cristina canale | canal-arte
cristina canale 9.6.2015Cristina Canale studied at the Visual Arts School of Parque Lage, based in Rio de Janeiro, and in 1984 participated in the historical show Como...Read more -
cristina canale passeio em berlim | face arte tv
cristina canale 2.1.2012FaceArt TV on a walk with Cristina Canale in Berlin.Read more -
atelier cristina canale em berlim | face arte tv
cristina canale 14.12.2011FaceArte TV interviews Cristina Canale in Berlin.Read more -
cristina canale - sem palavras | galeria nara roesler
cristina canale 13.7.2011After exhibiting, in 2008, a series by Cristina Canale (Rio de Janeiro, 1961) whose theme revolved around animals, Nara Roesler Galery now presents six paintings...Read more -
cristina canale - mondo cane | galeria nara roesler
cristina canale 25.7.2008A artista carioca Cristina Canale é entrevistada por Paula Braga na sua segunda individual na Galeria nara Roesler.Read more
Critical Essays
clarissa dinizEdges of the body have been present for a long time in Cristina Canale’s work. If Talkative (2018), one of her recent paintings, pushes into the foreground a sort of speech-razor able to cut the face – that monolith which, in a portrait, tends to marginalize everything else – this figure-background relationship is an echo of other angularities of her career, already expressed, for example, in her paintings from 1985. Just as in Talkative the portrait is a sort of trigger for the dispute between the hierarchies of the composition, at that moment a kiss was the theme for an inevitable tear in the space where the painting was operating. Constituted by cut-out and glued parts, the painting from 33 years ago did not have its bodies split by the background, but tore the space with its pictorial body, elbowing it in a hug. Cristina Canale, Untitled, 1985 As an embryo, it already evinced the artist’s interest for what she circumscribes as “tension in the coexistence between contradictions,”...