Folhas Avulsas, 2018
Laura Vinci (b. 1962, São Paulo, Brazil) is best known for her sculptures, large installation works and interventions. Her research is based on exploring the relationship between body, ephemerality and space. Vinci views the latter as a complex organism that mediates the interactions between the elements that inhabit it, all while remaining susceptible to the constant passing of time. As such, her work seeks to investigate how matter moves or is altered, showcasing its transitory nature and stimulating new understandings of our surroundings.
Vinci began her artistic career in the mid-1980s, first dedicating herself fully to painting. Rather than turning to figuration, the artist sought to achieve almost tri-dimensional pieces, which quickly lead her to focus on sculpture. Her interest for changing matters is notably visible in the idea of erosion –captured in her intervention known as 'hourglass', which she created for the project Arte/Cidade 3 (1997) in São Paulo– and in the idea of condensation, present in her use of cooling coils that form frozen words. These interests also characterize Vinci's work with Teatro Oficina, where she has undertaken the role of artistic director, participating in the theater's set and costume design work. She is currently working with Mundana Companhia.
Laura Vinci lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. Main recent solo exhibitions and site-specific projects include: maquinamata, at Nara Roesler (2022), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Todas as graças, at Instituto Ling (2018), in Porto Alegre, Brazil; Morro mundo, at Espaço Cultural Porto Seguro (ECPS) (2017), in São Paulo, Brazil; No ar, at Casa França-Brasil (2015), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has also participated in the 10th Cuenca Biennale, Ecuador (2009); 2nd, 5th and 7th editions of the Mercosul Biennial, Brazil (1999, 2005 and 2009); and 26th Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil (2004). Main recent group shows include: Máquina do mundo: Arte e indústria no Brasil, 1901-2021, at Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (2021), in São Paulo, Brazil; O rio dos navegantes, at Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) (2019), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Passado/futuro/presente: arte contemporânea brasileira no acervo do MAM, at Museu de Arte Moderna in São Paulo (MAM-SP) (2019), São Paulo, Brazil, and at Phoenix Art Museum (2017), in Phoenix, USA; Belo, transitório, intangível e finito, at Farol Santander (2018), in São Paulo, Brazil; Pedra no céu – Arte e a Arquitetura de Paulo Mendes da Rocha, at Museu Brasileiro de Escultura e Ecologia (MuBE) (2017), in São Paulo, Brazil. Her works are included in important institutional collections, such as: Instituto Inhotim de Arte Contemporânea, Brumadinho, Brazil; Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM-SP), São Paulo, Brazil; Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, and Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy.
cosmos - other cartographies
núcleo curatorial nara roesler e laura vinci 6.2 - 15.3.2025Nara Roesler São Paulo is pleased to present cosmos - other cartographies, a group exhibition curated by artist Laura Vinci in collaboration with Nara Roesler’s...Read more -
laura vinci 9.6 - 6.8.2022Nara Roesler, Rio de Janeiro is pleased to announce Maquinamata - a solo show by Laura Vinci that opens to the public on June 9th...Read more -
in waiting: works produced in isolation
núcleo curatorial nara roesler 9.12.2020 - 14.2.2021In Waiting: Works Produced in Isolation brings together a selection of works produced during isolation by various artists represented by Nara Roesler—thoughts about seclusion have...Read more -
open air: large scale works at fazenda boa vista
25.7.2020 - 28.2.2021Galeria Nara Roesler is pleased to inaugurate Open Air, a large-scale sculpture exhibition installed in the gardens of the Fazenda Boa Vista. Placed under the...Read more -
galeria nara roesler + uniãosp 2.4 - 30.6.2020UniãoSP is an independent and voluntary initiative to strengthen the battle against coronavirus in the state of São Paulo. The group coordinates its actions with...Read more
reflections on space and time
16.9 - 9.11.2019Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro is proud to present Reflexões sobre espaço e tempo (Reflections on space and time), a group show curated...Read more -
roesler hotel #29: reflections on space and time
curated by agnaldo farias 1.4 - 11.5.2019Nara Roesler and kamel mennour galleries presents Reflections on Space and Time, the 29th edition of Roesler Hotel. With works by renowned artists such as...Read more -
laura vinci 12.7 - 17.8.2018Galeria Nara Roesler | New York is pleased to present Laura Vinci: Diurna, the artist’s New York solo debut. Featuring delicate sculptural installations, the exhibition...Read more -
morro mundo
laura vinci 26.2 - 24.3.2018A Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo apresenta Morro Mundo, individual de Laura Vinci, artista reconhecida por sua narrativa particular, poética e política, em torno...Read more -
morro mundo
laura vinci 11.9 - 18.11.2017A Galeria Nara Roesler | Rio de Janeiro tem o prazer de apresentar 'Morro Mundo', exposição individual de Laura Vinci. A artista irá preencher a...Read more
roesler hotel #27 | purity is a myth/a pureza é um mito
michael asbury 10.6 - 29.7.2017Purity is a Myth: the monochrome in contemporary art Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present Purity is a Myth: the monochrome...Read more -
portable practice
group show 18.1 - 18.2.2014Created by the gallery for our artists, the show brings together works that hone in on the poetics of their practice and, in some capacity, synthesize their works.Read more
arte para o bem
nara roesler + le lis + protea 5.9.2024Le Lis, a brand of Veste S.A. Estilo, has teamed up with Nara Roesler to present the Arte Para o Bem project by Instituto Protea,...Read more -
aberto 03
5.8.2024In this edition, the exhibition will take place, for the first time, in two iconic houses from the 1970s and owned by two women: artist...Read more -
talks arpa 2024
paulo brusky e laura vinci 27.6.2024Paulo Bruscky and Laura Vinc i are part of the selection of artists featured in Todo ser vivo é a terra dos outros , a...Read more -
el dorado: myths of gold
jaime lauriano e laura vinci 30.10.2023Works by Jaime Lauriano and Laura Vinci are part of the group exhibition Elodado: Myths of gold , a two-part exhibition that brings together...Read more -
sérgio sister conversa com bruno dunley, laura vinci e paulo monteiro
16.10.2023Por ocasião do encerramento da exposição Pintura entre frestas e cavidades , a Nara Roesler convida a todos para uma conversa entre Sérgio Sister ,...Read more
elementar: fazer junto
artur lescher, laura vinci e paulo bruscky 28.6.2023Artur Lescher , Laura Vinci e Paulo Bruscky integram a seleção de artistas presentes na exposição 'Elementar: fazer junto', com curadoria de Valquíria Prates, Mirela...Read more -
el dorado - un terrirorio
laura vinci 28.6.2023Laura Vinci integrates the selection of international artists present in the exhibition El Dorado - Un Territorio on view through August 8th at Fundacion Proa,...Read more -
condenado ao moderno?
amelia toledo, antonio dias, laura vinci e paulo bruscky 1.6.2022Amelia Toledo, Antonio Dias, Laura Vinci, and Paulo Bruscky are part of the exhibition “Condenado ao Moderno?”, Carlos Alexandre's curatorial view on the Dulce and...Read more -
a máquina do mundo: arte indústria no brasil, 1901-2021
abraham palatnik, artur lescher, laura vinci, o grivo 5.11.2021The Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo presents the group exhibition A máquina do mundo: Arte e inústria no Brasil, 1901-2021 [The Machine of the...Read more -
arte em campo
amelia toledo, jr, laura vinci, tomie ohtake 11.12.2020Arte em Campo offers an art circuit through the Pacaembu Sports Complex, with sculptures and video installations by important Brazilian and international artists. The show...Read more
folhas avulsas e galho no mam-sp
laura vinci 10.12.2019From December 10, 8 pm, the works 'Folhas avulsas #3 ' (2018) and 'Galho' (2018), by Laura Vinci , will occupy the São Paulo Modern...Read more -
bienal de coimbra anozero
daniel senise, laura vinci 31.10.2019Laura Vinci and Daniel Senise attend the Coimbra Biennial, which opens in early November and closes December 29. The biennial, whose theme is “The Third...Read more -
visão geral
laura vinci 17.10.2019Laura Vinci presents at Inhotim Institute her work Máquina do Mundo (2005). The work borrows its title from Carlos Drummond de Andrade's famous poem (1902-1987)....Read more -
do volume e do espaço: modos de fazer
laura vinci 25.7.2019A artista Laura Vinci integra a mostra coletiva Do volume e do espaço: modos de fazer, na Casa de Cultura do Parque. Com texto de...Read more -
terra nova | flip 2019
laura vinci 10.7.2019The 17th edition of the Paraty Literary Festival, which takes place from July 10 to 14, presents the Terra Nova project, a visual arts module...Read more
o rio dos navegantes
antonio dias, laura vinci, virginia de medeiros 9.5.2019Antonio Dias, Laura Vinci e Virginia de Medeiros participam da exposição “O Rio dos Navegantes”, que abre dia 25 de maio no Museu de Arte...Read more -
passado/futuro/presente: arte contemporânea brasileira no acervo do museu de arte moderna de são paulo
antonio dias, artur lescher, carlito carvalhosa, laura vinci, lucia koch, vik muniz 21.1.2019Also presented in 2017 at Phoenix Art Museum , Past/Future/Present: Contemporary Brazilian Art from the Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo shows 70 iconic works...Read more -
mundana + : máquinas do mundo
laura vinci 21.11.2018Máquinas do Mundo is a project of Mundana Companhia de Teatro, developed collectively on the initiative of its art (consisting of scenography, lighting, music, costumes),...Read more -
todas as graças
laura vinci 13.4.2018De 17 de abril a 21 de julho de 2018, o Instituto Ling apresenta a exposição Todas as Graças, da artista paulista Laura Vinci....Read more -
laura vinci 23.1.2018Laura Vinci participa da inauguração do 'Espaço Arte Imersiva', que ocupa os 22º e o 23º andares do edifício Altino Arantes, antiga sede do Banco...Read more
tempo presente
laura vinci, tomie ohtake 1.11.2017Com curadoria de Amanda Dafoe e Rodrigo Villela, a 'Tempo Presente' apresenta sete obras integradas em um percurso sensorial e participativo pelo espaço, incluindo escultura...Read more -
pedra no céu: arte e a arquitetura de paulo mendes da rocha
carlito carvalhosa, daniel buren, laura vinci 12.4.2017 more -
museu do louvre - pau brazyl
cao guimarães, laura vinci 9.9.2016 more -
paisagens fugidias #1
laura vinci 30.8.2016 more -
o ovo e o voo
laura vinci 13.4.2016 more
cosmos - other cartographies
laura vinci and nara roesler curatorial project 10.3.2025Cosmos - other cartographies , it's a group exhibition curated by artist Laura Vinci in collaboration with Nara Roesler’s curatorial project. The exhibition brings together...Read more -
sérgio sister conversa com bruno dunley, laura vinci e paulo monteiro
nara roesler são paulo 24.10.2023On the occasion of the closing of the exhibition Painting between cracks and cavities , Nara Roesler organized a conversation between Sérgio Sister , Bruno...Read more -
laura vinci | maquinamata
laura vinci 9.6.2022 -
laura vinci | máquinas do mundo
laura vinci 1.12.2021Registro em vídeo da performance 'Máquinas do Mundo', de Laura Vinci e Mundana Companhia realizado em 2018 no SESC Pinheiros. O vídeo integrou a mostra...Read more -
máquinas do mundo | laura vinci + mundana companhia
16.7.2019A 17ª edição da Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty, que acontece de 10 a 14 de julho, apresenta o projeto Terra Nova, um módulo de...Read more -
in the studio | laura vinci
laura vinci 6.3.2019Space, bodies, the passing of time and the concept of ephemerality – and the connection between these concepts – are some of the topics thought...Read more -
laura vinci | ateliê do artista | revista bravo!
laura vinci 21.12.2018A paulistana Laura Vinci é escultora, pintora, desenhista, gravadora e, mais do que isso, uma artista interdisciplinar. Laura, já há muito tempo, faz também cenários,...Read more -
máquinas do mundo_corpo
laura vinci 24.3.2018máquinas do mundo_corpo Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, Brasil, março de 2018. Ficha técnica Dançarino: Wellington Duarte Voz: José Miguel Wisnik Traje:...Read more -
no ar | exposição pedra no céu
laura vinci 17.7.2017No Ar - instalação de Laura Vinci, parte da exposição Pedra no Céu - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e Ecologia - MuBE, São Paulo -...Read more -
laura vinci | batéia | CCBB rio de janeiro
laura vinci 19.11.2014Batéia, 2015, na exposição Ouro ― O fio que costura a Arte do Brasil, com curadoria de Marcello Dantas Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.Read more